Address Panipat, Haryana, 132103
Emaii Us

Community Service

We believe we are extremely lucky to have the capability to serve humanity in every little way we can. This is only to inform you that the management of the company personally takes responsibility for serving the community although not binded by a law or a regulation.

Currently, we have a non-profit school where approximately 600 underprivileged kids study at no fees. The parents of these children are majorly employees of the textile manufacturing units around the city. The children are provided meals, study material and uniform at no cost so they can concentrate on their studies and on making their career. There is also a medical dispensary accompanying the school where the underprivileged people can get themselves checked by a doctor and can get medicine for free. We also constantly organize eye camps in villages to facilitate the local community with their eye operations.

Though we do not prefer boasting our commitment to the community, we only wanted to give you a glimpse on a few projects we have executed so far and are currently executing.